Commercial Rekeing Locks Fort Lauderdale, FL - Logan Locksmith Shop
If you own business premises in Fort Lauderdale, FL area or have one on rental basis, you might be interested in the commercial locksmith services that Logan Locksmith Shop offers. For the past 10 years, we have been providing top-notch locksmith services to a great deal of business facilities, including:
- Reputed Restaurants
- Office Spaces
- Large and small Assisted Living Care Centers
- A wide range of Business Outlets
- High Schools, Colleges, and Universities
- All kinds of Hotels and Motels
- IT firms
- Banks
- Hospitals and medical care centers
- Entire apartment buildings
Keeping commercial premises secure can be a bit different from keeping residences secure, simply because of the number of people who have access to the premises. Also, this is because the premises tend to be bigger and have many more access points. Another issue faced at business premises is the question of what to do when an employees who had access to the premises has left the organization
Should you have to change the lock and put in a new one? Is there any way to modify the lock? Is it possible to deal with this issue right at the time of installing the locks? Can you install combination locks where only the combination needs to be changed? Can you install digital locks whose locks and keys can be altered more easily and still stay secure? How does one increase security during off-business hours, especially at night? You can discuss all of these questions in depth with our locksmiths and get expert advice on what is best suited for your particular situation. All you have to do is give us a call and set up an appointment.
Our range of services:
- Mobile locksmith services in Fort Lauderdale, FL area
- 24/7 availability
- Emergency lockout assistance
- Lock-related services
- New lock installation
- Master keys
- Key cutting services
- Digital lock systems
- High-security lock recommendations
- Magnetic lock setup
- Key duplication
- Restricted keyways
- Lock upgrades
- Keyless entry solutions
- Keypad entry locks
- Deadbolt installation
- Documents security with sturdy cabinet locks
- Highly-reliable emergency exit locks
In case of emergency lockouts, you can call us too. We’re available 24 x 7, on week-ends, week days and even on holidays. This is exactly because an emergency can happen anytime any day. When you make an emergency call, we dispatch one of our mobile locksmith units which are fully equipped with all the equipment and tools needed to handle office lockouts. For example, we can make a key for almost any kind of lock available in the market today, even if it is a hi-tech laser cut type of key. So, if your business has been unexpectedly locked down you can get re-entry into your commercial premises quickly so you can carry on with your daily activities, without too much loss of time, money, or customers.
We also enhance business security with locks for file cabinets and cupboards, locks for storage closets, cabinets and cupboards, mailbox locks, even locking devices for PC and other assets. Setting up master and sub-master keys, digital locks to prevent missing key issues, sturdy high-security locks, deadbolts, numerical keypad locks, restricted keyways, panic locks, push bars etc are something we are very familiar with and count among some of the services we offer for business premises.
Logan Locksmith Shop knows how important your commercial establishment’s security is to you and make it our priority to answer your queries promptly. Be it a lock replacement or a full-office lock system enhancement, our experts can assess your property and implement practical solutions that are customized to fit your business’ needs. Give us a call today!